many expressions come to my mind
cool mist washin over me
thin soft flakes melting down my cheeks
cold fingers finding warmth on your tight clasp
fingers and palms fitting perfectly
long companiable silent walk
pausing and looking back
stopping and looking ahead
breathless but content
words shared with people heading the other way
not meaningless words only an effort to catch onto more newness
the fading sunlight
gods light
pink light
orange light
purple light
still some more light after the sunset
then darkness
only firelight
and that within
the chill of fresh silkcotton like snow, the heat of dancing flames
the intimate cover of silver-darkness
the colours of intimacy, love and companionship
the sounds ethereal
some more expressions come to my mind
intruding sunlight
like the hiss of snow on fire
of an impending closure
of the joy of having known such happiness