Regret, redefined:
Sanity realised when the damage is done
Realisation, redefined:
When the ego takes a back seat and misplaced pride is accepted
Stupidity, redefined:
When you don’t know how to go back when you have realised the right path
Loss, redefined:
When you don’t want to go back when you have realised the right path
Giving, redefined:
When you can surrender without losing yourself
Gift, redefined:
When you can give it to someone because you like it so much for yourself
Joy, redefined:
When you feel a tangible lift of something within you even when your life is not as you would have wanted it to be
Maturity, redefined:
When you can separate the good and the bad; build upon the good, understand the bad and work to make it good
Impulse, redefined:
When you would not act upon something in the light of the day
A good idea redefined:
When it would seem good, be it night or day
Imagination, redefined:
When you see things because you want them to be
Obsession, redefined:
When you start believing that your misplaced imagination is the reality
Faith, redefined:
When you know that even if the present is tough, good things are bound to happen to you
Avarice, redefined:
When you don’t know when to stop
Liking redefined:
When you can accept the negatives, yet feel great fondness and the wish to stay on
Love, redefined:
When giving does not depend on getting
Beer, redefined:
2 years ago