Wednesday, November 15, 2006


to burn
to move into nothingness
the smoke makes patterns
blows softly
while cowboys with guns and noise make noise
while hunger calls
takes an effort to answer
time has not dulled
moments call
suddenly something reminds
and it begins all over again
put on a sham
a show
of carelessness
a show of false bravado
silly small talk
unsaid words so loud
drowning meaningless words
screaming out between the lines
all within me
u cant hear
i don’t say
but want you to hear
(do I hear what you don’t say?)
i don’t know
i tell I don’t care
but here I am
i am not fooling
i am living it
does living feel numb
or is numb, living
don’t care
walk away
slide away
dream different
like a low on art, script
like a song making sense only to me

“…waiting for the summer rain ……..


shuchika said...

like the honesty of the post.

Liked the line

does living feel numb
or is numb, living

Ajit Chouhan said...

Reminds me of comfortably numb..