Sunday, September 21, 2008

my calender and i

the highlights are mute
my pages dry
i dont dwell
yet pause from time to time

I look at the pink
and the green
at those marked dates that dont mock me
but show the plans undone

i pick it up often and run my fingers over
put it back yet again
and carry on


Anonymous said...


if everyting went as planned, what fun would life be... ideally , everything should go hayward and chaos must ensue..

remember Joker? "Do i look like a man of plans?"...

Tulika Byce said...

You the poet? I didn't know that!

darksunshine said...

poet? more like a maudlin soaked with bad writing....

n lash...joker was a man of plans. proclaiming n doing are two seperate things. infact, for many, when push comes to shove, belief, conviction and proclamation become different from action.